To sum up this luxury apartment in Rome in a single word, we’d have to say ‘exquisite’. Though the word hardly does justice to Holy Deer San Lorenzo City Lodge, which stands regally on the famous Piazza Navona.
When you step from the stairs into the apartment itself, you are truly stepping into a piece of history, a different time, and another opulent place altogether. Be prepared to leave real life behind. Stunning frescoes depicting bible stories and tales of the saints adorn virtually every ceiling. You find yourself looking up, whenever you step through another doorway, to enjoy the surprises around every corner.
The husband-and-wife team who renovated the property have clearly done so with the utmost love and care. Artisans were employed to ensure every item of furniture and furnishings were made with attention, and historical experts brought in to help make certain the work that was done was true to the times. Muted grey walls allow every colourful and splendid detail to sing and transport you seamlessly back to Baroque times.
The apartment is flanked by the two fabulous bedrooms, both with their own unique views. Each bedroom has a luxury bathroom attached so guests have their own ‘suites’ at either end of the property. Between, there are several communal living areas where you can get together with your group to socialise or relax. The dining room provides an atmospheric spot for meals. There’s also a music room, complete with grand piano, a library for a bit of quiet contemplation, a bar with lounge and TV area, and more spaces that give everyone somewhere to gather and entertain in opulent style and also to find a quiet moment to themselves. Everywhere you look there are comfortable seating areas, created using the finest furnishings and designer pieces, combined with unique works of art to provide a talking point at every turn. There is also a studio, a wet kitchen and staff quarters.
This is truly a magical property, and step outside and you’re instantly in the very heart of Rome’s most famous streets. It’s the perfect combination of privacy and public life, ancient and contemporary – they’re the cornerstones Rome was built on.
Looking for a long leisurely stay or a quick stop in the Eternal city? This decadent city bolthole can be taken from as little as 2 nights, so perfect for any sojourn in Rome. Come and visit and enjoy being transported to another world.